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Six lessons with Anita Schnee
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I encountered the Feldenkrais™ work in the mid nineteen eighties, first through Linda Tellington-Jones, the founder of TTEAM training, and then through one of my clients, Marge Cartwright. Marge was an Alexander Practitioner, but she had also studied the Feldenkrais™ work.
Her horse needed my skills, and I was curious about hers so we did trades. What I learned from Marge has contributed greatly to what I teach today.
If you are familiar with my work, you know that balance has always been the central pillar that supports everything I teach. It is woven into every lesson. That’s what drew Anita Schnee to my work. Anita is a Feldenkrais™ Practitioner. We met at a clinic I was giving at Cindy Martin’s farm near Fayetteville Arkansas. A local newspaper ran an article on the clinic in which my interest in the Feldenkrais™ work was mentioned. Anita was intrigued, so she came to our next clinic.
At that time Cindy was hosting two clinics a year at her farm. Anita became one of our regulars. She was not a horse person, but she understood movement. I so appreciated the insights she shared with us, I invited her to share ATM™ lessons with the attendees. I loved how Anita would watch what we were working on during the first day of the clinic and then on the second day she would guide us through an ATM™ lesson that was perfectly suited to the needs of the participants. When we went back out to the horses, the good effect of these sessions was very evident.
During the covid lockdown, we continued to collaborate. Anita attended every one of my original on-line clinics. We worked together to incorporate the concepts I was teaching - constructional training principles, movements cycles, loopy training, etc. into the structure of the ATM™ lessons she she shared with us.
I am delighted to offer here a series of six Awareness Through Movement™ lessons presented by Anita Schnee.
Alexandra Kurland
The registration fee for the six lessons is $75. That gives you access to the recordings for a year.
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To learn more about the Feldenkrais™ work and Anita Schnee, please enjoy the following Equiosity podcasts:
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