Course Contents
Course #1: Off To A Great Start With Clicker Training
Welcome! Before we plunge in . . .
Read: Learning Goals for this course
Read: How to get the most from these courses
Building Relationships: Great training and great relationships go
together. We’re going to build both.
To-do: Introduce Yourself
Lesson 1: Whoa Nellie!
What you need to know before you head out to your horse to begin clicker
Watch: Welcome Message - What this course covers
Watch: Part 1: Whoa Nellie
Watch: Part 2: What Do You Want?
Watch: Part 3: Happy Horses Enjoying Clicker Training. Isn’t playing
To-Do: Part 4: What Do You Want?
To-Do: Part 5: What are your major takeaways?
Lesson 2: Your Starting Line
What you need to know before you head out to your horse to begin clicker training.
Watch: Part 1: The Starting Line
Watch: Part 2: Constructional Training
T0-Do: Part 3: Practice Constructional Training
Watch: Part 4: Belief System
To-Do: Part 5: What is your core belief system for horses and training?
Watch: Part 6: Governing Principles
Watch: Part 7: More Core Principles
Watch: Part 8: Just Because You Can . . .
To-Do: Part 9: What are your major takeaways?
Lesson 3: Get Ready!
Watch: Part 1: What a Marker Signal Can Do
Watch: Part 2: Your Training Goals
Watch: Part 3: Dream Big! What Do You Dream of Doing With Your Horse?
Watch: Part 4: What Does Your Horse Already Know?
To-Do: Part 5: What Does Your Horse Know?
Watch: Part 6: What Does Your Horse Want?
Watch: Part 7: Feeding Guidelines
To-Do: Part 8: Your Treats
To-Do: Part 9: What Stood Out For You?
To-Do: Part 10: Potential Reinforcers: What will your horse “mug” you to
To-Do: Part 11: Moving Towards and Moving Away
Lesson 4: Get Set!
Watch: Part 1: Setting Up Your Teaching Environment For Success
Watch: Part 2: Why Protective Contact
Watch: Part 3: Designing Your Clicker Training Classroom
Submit: Part 4: Your Clicker Classroom
Lesson 5: Choosing The First Lesson
Watch: Part 1: What Makes A Good First Lesson?
Watch: Part 2: Teaching Your Exit Strategy
Watch: Part 3: Ripple Effects
To Do: Part 4: Video your Exit Strategy. How to register for coaching sessions
Lesson 6: Go!
Watch: Part 1: Your First Targeting Lesson
Watch: Part 2: What Was Learned?
Watch: Part 3: Loopy Training
Watch: Part 4: Watch Agin for Loops
Watch: Part 5: The Loopy Training Mantra
Watch: Part 7: Assessing Your Training
To Do: part 8: Your First Targeting Lesson
Lesson 7: Going On! The Six Foundation Lessons
Watch: Part 1: The Six Foundation Lessons
Watch: Part 2: What Can You Teach?
To-Do: Part 3: What Should You Do Next?
Lesson 8: Teaching Strategies
Watch: part 1: Freeshaping
To-Do: Part 2: Freeshaping Training Game
Watch: Part 3: Macro Capturing and Other Teaching Strategies
Watch: Part 4: Which Shaping Strategy Should You Use?
To-Do: Part 5: Lots of “Roads to Rome”
Watch: Part 6: Dynamic Food Delivery
Watch: Part 7: Make Full Use Of Your Treat Delivery
To-Do: Part 8: Get More From Your Food Delivery
Lesson 9: Tactile Cues: Cues Versus Commands
Watch: Part 1: Cues Versus Commands
Watch: Part 2: Does Your Horse Want In or Out?
Watch: Part 3: Why Would A Horse Want to Stay In?
To-Do: Part 4: Is Your Training Command or Cue Based?
To-Do: Part 5: Develop Your End of Session Rituals
Lesson 10: The Grown-ups Are Talking
Watch: Part 1: Grown-Ups
Watch: Part 2: Pauses and "Off" Buttons
Watch: Part 3: Inadvertent Chains and Training By Priority
Watch: Part 4: The Minuet Hand
Watch: Part 5: The Minuet Hand Continued
To-Do: Part 6: Video Grown-ups
Lesson 11: Keeping Your Training In Balance
Watch: Part 1: Training In Balance
Watch: Part 2: Shaping
Watch: Part 3: Building Towards Complexity
To-Do: Part 4: Add New Elements to an Existing Behavior
Lesson 12: Building Towards Complex Performance
Watch: Part 1: Chains
Watch: Part 2: The Effect of Cues Works in Two Directions
Watch: Part 3: Part 3: Pairing The Foundation Lessons
To-Do: Part 4: Create a Small Chain
Lesson 13: Base Behaviors
Watch: Part 1: Base Behaviors
Watch: part 2: Avoiding the Emotional Fallout of Extinction
To-Do: Part 3: Create a Base Behavior
Lesson 14: Putting These Foundation Skills to Work
Watch: Part 1: Using the Foundation Lessons
Watch: Part 2: Saddling and More
To-Do: Part 3: How are you going to use the foundation lessons?
Watch: Part 4: Conclusion.
To-Do: Part 5: What did you learn?
Lesson 15: Before You Go
To-Do: Part 1: Before You Go.
Read: Part 2: Other Resources For You
Appendix 1: A Case History: Nick’s Introduction to Clicker Training: Part 1
Read: Part 1: Part 1: A Case History: Nick's Introduction to Clicker Training
Listen: Part 2: Nick's Introduction to Clicker Training: Part 1
Watch: Part 2: Nick's Introduction to Clicker Training: Part 1
Watch: Part 4: Video: An Introduction to Clicker Training: Day 1 – The
First Targeting Session
Watch: Part 5: Video: Introduction to Clicker Training- Group Discussion
After the 1st Target Session
Watch: Part 6: Video An Introduction to Clicker Training: Day 1 – 2nd
Target session
Watch: Part 7: Video: Introduction to Clicker Training: Day 1 – 3rd
Targeting Session
Watch: Part 8: Video: Introduction to Clicker Training: Day 1 – 4th session
Read: Part 9: Nick's Introduction to Clicker Training: Part 1
Appendix 2: A Case History: Nick’s Introduction to Clicker Training: Part 2
Read: Part 1: Nick's Introduction to Clicker Training Part 2
Listen: Part 2: Nick's Introduction to Clicker Training Part 2
Watch: Part 3: Video An Introduction To Clicker Training: Day 1 –
Afternoon Training: 4th Session
Watch: Part 4: Video: An Introduction to Clicker Training: Day 1 –
Afternoon Training: 5th Session – the First Asking for
Watch: Part 5: Video: Introduction to Clicker Training: Day 1 – Afternoon
Training: 6th Session – 2nd Grown-ups.
Watch: Part 6: Video: An Introduction to Clicker Training: Day 1 –
Afternoon Training: 7th Session- Targeting & Grown-ups
Read: Part 7: Nick's Introduction to Clicker Training: Day 2 - text of the
audio file
Appendix 3: A Case History: Nick’s Introduction to Clicker Training Part 3
Read: Part 1: Nick's Introduction to Clicker Training Part 3
Listen: Part 2: Nick's Introduction to Clicker Training Part 3
Watch: Part 3: Video: Introduction to Clicker Training: Day 2 Session 1
Watch: Part 4: Bridling a Clicker Trained Horse
Watch: Part 5: Video: An Introduction to Clicker Training: Day 2: The
Flexibility of Targeting
Watch: Part 6: Video: An Introduction to Clicker Training: Day 2 – Session
2: Targeting with a Cone
Watch: Part 7: Video: An Introduction to Clicker Training: Day 2 – Session
2 continued: Work in the Stall
Watch: Part 8: Video: An Introduction to Clicker Training: Day 2 – Session
2 continued: More Stall Work
Watch: Part 9: Video: An Introduction to Clicker Training: Day 2 – Final
Read: Part 10: Nick's Introduction to Clicker Training Part 3 - Text of the
audio file
Appendix 4: A Case History: Nick’s Introduction to Clicker Training Part 4
Read: Part 1: Nick's Introduction to Clicker Training: Part 4
Listen: Part 2: Nick's Introduction to Clicker Training: Part 4
Watch: Part 3: Video: An Introduction To Clicker Training: Day 3 –
Session 1
Read: Part 4: An Introduction to Clicker Training Part 4: Text of audio file
Read: Part 5: A Study of One
Moving On: The Next Step
Read: Part 1: The Next Step
REGISTER NOW $285 for a 1 year membership in the course plus access to the Virtual Coaching Sessions
Course #1 is a prerequisite for enrolling in Course # 2
Course #2: Extinction - Friend or Foe?
Welcome to Extinction Friend or Foe?
This is the second virtual clinic in the series
Read: Part 1: Puzzles
Lesson 1: Welcome To Extinction Friend or Foe
Watch: Part 1: Welcome to Lesson 1
Watch: Part 2: Experiencing Extinction
Watch: Part 3: My Collision With Extinction
Watch: Part 4: How Cues Were Taught
To-Do: Part 5: How do you teach cues?
Lesson 2: Extinction Bursts and The Teaching Of Cues
Watch: Part 1: Extinction Bursts
Watch: Part 2: The Emotional Fallout of Extinction
Watch: Part 3: Movement Cycles
Watch: Part 4: Awareness Exploration: Riding Without A Horse: Part 1
Watch: Part 5: Awareness Exploration: Riding Without a Horse: Part 2
What is Your Normal?
Watch: Part 6: Awareness Exploration: Riding Without a Horse: Part 3 -
Stacking Your Bones
Watch: Part 7: Awareness Exploration: Riding Without A Horse: Part 4 - A
"Riding Lesson"
Watch: Part 8: Awareness Exploration: Riding Without A Horse: Part 5 -
The First Movement Cycle
Watch: Part 9: Awareness Exploration: Riding Without a Horse: Part 6 -
Establishing Base Positions
Read: Part 10: About the Audio Recordings of Parts 5 and 6
Listen: Part 11: Awareness Exploration Part 5 - Audio Only The First
Movement Cycle
Listen: Part 12: Awareness Exploration Part 6 Audio Only- Establishing
Base Positions
Lesson 3: Poisoned Cues and The Effect of Cues
Watch: Part 1: Poisoned Cues
Watch: Part 2: Testing the "Ven" Condition
Watch: Part 3: Testing the "Punir" Condition
To-Do: Part 4: Are you using poisoned cues?
Watch: Part 5: Expanding Loops
Watch: Part 6: Component Parts
Watch: Part 7: An Introduction to the Feldenkrais Method
Read: Part 8: An Awareness Exploration - Turning the Head and Neck
Watch: Part 9: 2nd Awareness Exploration Pt 1: Getting a Baseline: Your
Starting "Normal"
Watch: Part 10: 2nd Awareness Exploration Pt 2: The Components of
Turning Your Head
Watch: Part 11: 2nd Awareness Exploration Pt 3: Balancing the Lesson
To-Do: Part 12: Explore the Awareness Lesson
Listen: Part 13: Awareness Exploration: Turning the Head and Neck
Lesson 4: The Higgledy-Piggledy Horse - Changing Balance
Watch: Part 1: Higgledy-Piggledy
Watch: Part 2: What Small Steps Look Like
Watch: Part 3: The Microshaping Strategy
Watch: Part 4: The Runway Lesson Explained
Watch: Part 5: Robin Demos the Runway Lesson
Watch: Part 6: The Higgeldy-Piggeldy Horse in the Runway - Day 1
Watch: Part 7: The Runway Lesson Day 2
Watch: Part 8: The Runway Lesson Day 3
Watch: Part 9: Changes Day 1 to Day 3
Watch: Part 10: What Makes A Lesson Advanced?
Watch: Part 11: Learning Accelerates
To-Do: Part 12: Video the Foundation Lessons
To-Do: Part 13: Lesson Plans and Component Parts
Lesson 5: Cues and Behavior Evolve Together
Watch: Part 1: You Can't Not Cue
To-Do: Part 2: You can't not cue. What cues is your horse using?
Watch: Part 3: Cues Evolve
Watch: Part 4: Teaching in Pairs
Watch: Part 5: Balancing Behaviors
To-Do: Part 6: Video Teaching in Pairs
Lesson 6: Base Behaviors
Watch: Part 1: The Value of Base Behaviors
Watch: Part 2: Teaching Cues
Watch: Part 3: Awareness Exploration: Part 1: "Grown-ups" Baseline
Watch: Part 4: Awareness Exploration Part 2: Balancing One Behavior With
To-Do: Part 5: Practice the Awareness Exploration on Your Own
Lesson 7: Default Behaviors
Watch: Part 1: Kitchen Pots and Pans
Watch: Part 2: Shopping Lists
Watch: Part 3: The Evolution of "The Pose"
Watch: Part 4: Resurgence and "The Pose"
Watch: Part 5: Living in a Cue-Based World
Watch: Part 6: Does Your Learner Want In or Out?
Watch: Part 7: Choosing a Default Behavior
To-Do: Part 8: Establish a default behavior
Lesson 8: Inadvertent Extinction and Priming the Pump
Watch: Part 1: "Happy Faces" and Inadvertent Extinction
Watch: Part 2: Priming the Pump
Watch: Part 3: Sneaky Training: New Cue - Old Cue
To-Do: Part 4: Teach a new cue using the New Cue-Old Cue protocol
Lesson 9: Flipping the Funnel and Avoiding the Extinction Trap
Watch: Part 1: Flipping the Funnel
Watch: Part 2: Avoiding the Extinction Trap
Watch: Part 3: Practicing with the Foundation Lessons
To-Do: Part 4: Video: Expand your foundation lessons
Lesson 10: A Constructional Approach To Problem Solving
Watch: Part 1: MicroLoops
Watch: Part 2: Answering The Question
Read: Part 3: What's Next?
Appendix 1
Resurgence and Regression: Understanding Extinction So You Can Master It
Read: The Resurgence Articles
Listen: Part 1: The Elevator Question
Listen: Part 2: The Translation to Horses
Listen: Part 3: Unraveling the Regression Mess
Listen: Part 4: Extinction and Shaping
Listen: Part 5: Extinction Reveals the Past
Listen: Part 6: Accidental Extinction
Listen: Part 7: Emotions
Listen: Part 8: Training With High Rates of Reinforcement
Listen: Part 9: Cues and Extinction
Listen: Part 10: PORTL
Listen: Part 11: Mastering Extinction
Listen: Part 12: Creativity Explored
Listen: Part 13: Degrees of Freedom
Listen: Part 14: The Positive Side of Resurgence
Listen: Part 15: Micro Masters
Read: Part 1: The Elevator Question
Read: Part 2: The Translation to Horses
Read: Part 3: Unraveling the Regression Mess
Read: Part 4: Extinction and Shaping
Read: Part 5: Extinction Reveals the Past
Read: Part 6: Accidental Extinction
Read: Part 7: Emotions
Read: Part 8: Training with High Rates of Reinforcement
Read: Part 9: Cues and Extinction
Read: Part 10: PORTL
Read: Part 11: Mastering Extinction
Read: Part 12: Creativity Explored
Watch: Part 12a: Pigeon Experiment: Component Parts
Read: Part 13: Degrees of Freedom
Read: Part 14: The Positive Side of Extinction
Read: Part 15: Micro Masters
Before You Go
Read: What’s Next?
Courses 1- 2 are a prerequisite for enrolling in Course # 3.
Course #3: What Do You See?
What You Will Learn
Read: What You Will Learn
Lesson 1: Welcome
Watch: Introduction
Watch: Part 2: Reminders
Watch: Part 3: Example/Non-ExamplePart 4: Pleases/Doesn’t Please
Watch: Part 5: Pleasing Contrast
Watch: Part 6: Remarkable Changes
Watch: Part 7: Find a Look that pleases Your eye
To-Do: Part 8: What Do YOU Like?
Lesson 2: Understanding The Why Behind the What
Watch: Part 1: “The Rat is Always Right
Watch: Part 2: Before and After
Watch: Part 3: Balance Matters
Watch: Part 4: Awareness Exploration - Part 1: Base Position
Watch: Part 5: Awareness Exploration Part 2: Turning the Head
Watch: Part 6: Awareness Exploration Part 3: Turning the Head: Your
Other Side
Watch: Part 7: Awareness Exploration: Part 4: Rotating from your
Watch: Part 8: Awareness Exploration: Part 5: Hip Circles
Watch: Part 9: Awareness Exploration: Part 6: The Four Points on the
Bottom of your Feet
Listen: Part 10: Audio Recording of the Awareness Exploration
Lesson 3: Movement Cycles and Food Delivery
Watch: Part 1: Movement Cycles
Watch: Part 2: Loopy Training
Watch: Part 3: Food Delivery Details
Watch: Part 4: You Are Always Doing More Than One Thing
Watch: Part 5: Being Deliberate
Watch: To-Do: Part 6: Your Food Delivery
Lesson 4: Process Versus Outcome Oriented
Watch: Part 1: It’s Not About the Mat
Watch: Part 2: Process versus Outcome Video
Watch: Part 3: Process versus Outcome Video continued
Watch: Part 4: The Multiple Mat Lesson
Watch: Part 5: The Multiple Mat Lesson Video Pt 1
Watch: Part 6: The Multiple Mat Lesson Video Pt 2
To-Do: Part 7: Your Turn
Lesson 5: What Is A Give?
Watch: Part 1: Unlocking Your Observation Skills
Watch: Part 2: “I Want Something”
Watch: Part 3: What is a Give?
Watch: Part 4: More to See
Listen: Part 5: Feldenkrais audio lesson from Anitia Schnee
Lesson 6: Where Does Movement Come From?
Watch: Part 1: An Equine Awareness Lesson
Watch: Part 2: Horses and Humans: So Alike
Watch: Part 3: Mia Segal - Where Does Movement Come From?
Watch: Part 4: The Questions
Watch: Part 5: Awareness Exploration - Reminders
Listen: Part 6: Awareness Exploration - Audio only: Sitting in a Chair
Lesson 7: Puzzle Solving
Watch: Part 1: Going to the Dogs
Watch: Part 2: An Out of Balance Turn and The Runway Lesson
Watch: Part 3: Seeing Micro
Watch: Part 4: Why Did He Do That?
Listen: Part 5: A Progression to Piaffe
Lesson 8: What To Leave Behind - What To Take With You?
Read: What To Take Forward
Listen: Part 1: The First Key to The Kingdom
Listen: Part 2: What do You Take Forward?: Opening the First Lock
Listen: Part 3: Setting Up For Success: The Second and Third Keys
Listen: Part 4: Find the Other Way
Listen: 5: Teaching Creativity Creatively
Read: Part 1: The First Keys to the Kingdom
Read: Part 2: What To Take Forward?: Opening the First Lock
Read: Part 3: Setting Up For Success: The Second and Third Keys
Read: Part 4: Find the Other Way
Read: Part 5: Teaching Creativity Creatively
To-Do: Part 6: What will you leave behind and what will you take forward?
Lesson 9: Moving On
Read: What’s Next - Rope Handling
Courses 1- 3 are a prerequisite for enrolling in Course # 4.
Course #4: Rope Handling
Introduction: Welcome
Read: What You Will Learn
Lesson 1: Rope Handling Basics
Watch: Part 1: Why Bother With Leads?
Watch: Part 2: What Teaching Process has Your Horse Experienced?
Watch: Part 3: Constructional not Pathological Training
Watch: Part 4: The Constructional Approach
Watch: Part 5: Don’t Fight Against Extinction
Watch: Part 6: Advanced Training
Watch: Part 7: Transformations
Watch: Part 8: Some Questions For You
Lesson 2: Shaping on a Point of Contact
Watch: Part 1: Molding or Shaping on a Point of Contact
Watch: Part 2: Self Carriage
Watch: Part 3: Open and Closed Doors
Watch: Part 4: Lightness
Watch: Part 5: Learning History
Watch: Part 6: Nothing Is Erased
Watch: Part 7: Trust the Constructional Process
Watch: Part 8: Awareness Exploration: Applying the Constructional
Watch: Part 9: Awareness Exploration: Developing Soft Hands
Watch: Part 10: Awareness Exploration: Prepping Your Rope Handling
Listen: Part 11: Awareness Exploration: Parts 1-3 Audio File
Lesson 3: Teaching Yourself New Skills
Watch: Part 1: Repeatability
Watch: Part 2: Forward Chaining
Watch: Part 3: Back Chaining
Watch: Part 4: Reversibility
Watch: Part 5: Experiencing Reversibility
Watch: Part 6: The Reversibility Paradox
Watch: Part 7: Awareness Exploration Reversibility Practice
Watch: Part 8: Awareness Exploration: : Turning A Lead On and Off
Lesson 4: A-B Reversals
Watch: Part 1: Test It
Watch: Part 2: Change Only One Thing
Watch: Part 3: Experiencing A-B Reversals.
Watch: Part 4: Homework
Lesson 5: The T'ai Chi Wall
Watch: Part 1: We Begin With Protective Contact
Watch: Part 2: Using The T’ai Chi Wall to Redirect Energy
Watch: Part 3: Nuanced Use of the T’ai Chi Wall
Watch: Part 4: Soft Versus Tense
To-Do: Part 5: To Do: Experience the Soft Versus Tense Experiment
Lesson 6: The Learning Stream
Watch: Part 1: Everything is Connected
Watch: Part 2: Grown-ups and Floating on a Point of Contact
Watch: Part 3: The Snap as a Tactile Cue
Watch: Part 4: Grown-ups - The Details That Matter
Watch: Part 5: Grown-ups and the Minuet Hand
Lesson 7: The Minuet Dance
Watch: Part 1: From Court Dance to Leading Horses
Watch: Part 2: Details of the T’ai Chi Wall
Watch: Part 3: Bone Rotations and Structure
Watch: Part 4: Redirecting Energy
Lesson 8: Connecting Our Balance
Watch: Part 1: Awareness Exploration for Rope Handling
Watch: Part 2: Awareness Exploration for Rope Handling: Bone Rotations
Watch: Part 3: Awareness Exploration for Rope Handling: Bone Rotations
Watch: Part 4: Awareness Exploration for Rope Handling: Shoulder Blades:
the Corset of the Breath
Watch: Part 5: Awareness Exploration for Rope Handling: Mobilizing your
Watch: Part 6: Awareness Exploration for Rope Handling: Grinding Corn
Listen: Part 7: Audio file for the Awareness Explorations
Lesson 9: Sliding Down a Lead Demo
Watch: Part 1: Sliding Down a Lead Demo - Pt 1: Getting On and Off a Lead
Watch: Part 2: Sliding Down a Lead Demo - Pt 2: Walking Up a Lead
Watch: Part 3: Sliding Down a Lead Demo - Pt 3: The T’ai Chi Wall
Watch: Part 4: Sliding Down a Lead Demo - Pt 4: The Power in Bone
Watch: Part 5: Sliding Down a Lead Demo - Pt 5: The Connection to Riding
Watch: Part 6: Sliding Down a Lead Demo - Pt 6: Adding in the Horse
Lesson 10: In Search of Excellence: Effective Practice
Listen: Contents
Listen: Part 1: The Talent Code
Listen: Part 2: The Myelin Factor
Listen: Part 3: Equine Simulators
Listen: Part 4: Horses and Soccer
Listen: Part 5: Skill Depends Upon Myelin
Listen: Part 6: The Positive Role of Mistakes
Listen: Part 7: The Role of Patterns in Deep Practice
Listen: Part 8: The Deep Practice Layer Cake
Listen: Part 9: Practice Excellence
Read: Part 1: In Search of Excellence: Effective Practice - Part 1: The Talent
Read: Part 2: The Myelin Factor
Read: Part 3: Equine Simulators
Read: Part 4: Horses and Soccer
Read: Part 5: Skill Depends Upon Myelin
Read: Part 6: The Positive Role of Mistakes
Read: Part 7: The Role of Patterns in Deep Practice
Read: Part 8: The Deep Practice Layer Cake
Read: Part 9: Practice Excellence
Appendix: Clinic Demo Videos
Read: Clinic Demo Videos
Watch: Awareness Explorations: Clinic Demo #1
Watch: Awareness Explorations: Clinic Demo #2
Watch: Awareness Exploration: Clinic Demo #3 - Walking Up A Lead
Watch: Awareness Exploration: Clinic Demo #4: Backing Up
Watch: Awareness Exploration: Clinic Demo #5: Build Your Skills
Moving On To Course #5 Managing Energy and Emotions
Read: What’s Next.
Courses 1- 4 are a prerequisite for enrolling in Course # 5.
Course # 5: Managing Energy and Emotions
Read: Learning Goals for this course
Lesson 1: Energy and Emotions Are Wrapped Together
Watch: Introduction
Watch: Part 1: The Black Box of Emotions
Watch: Part 2: Emotional Behavior
Watch: Part 3: Taking a Constructional Approach
Watch: Part 4: The Two Sides of the Click
Watch: Part 5: Skill Building One Element at a Time
Watch: Part 6: Changing the Environment
Lesson 2: “I Just Want . . . .”
Watch: Part 1: Constructional Training Review
Watch: Part 2: Building Blocks
Watch: Part 3: Movement Cycles and Loopy Training
Watch: Part 4: Balance and Training Kernels
Watch: Part 5: Process Driven, Ethics and Training Principles
Watch: Part 6: Science Based
Watch: Part 7: Clicker Basics
Watch: Part 8: Learning to Assess Training
Lesson 3: Cribbing
Watch: Part 1: What Is Cribbing?
Watch: Part 2: Single-Subject Design
Watch: Part 3: Get a Baseline
Watch: Part 4: Learning to Eat Hay
Watch: Part 5: Change the Environment
Watch: Part 6: A Second Study: Separation Anxiety
Lesson 4: A Constructional Approach for the Crossover Horse
Watch: Part 1: Fallout
Watch: Part 2: Baselines
Watch: Part 3: Conditions Change
Watch: Part 4: Find an Environment in Which You Can Teach
Watch: Part 5: Expand a Loop By Changing the Environment
Watch: Part 6: Expanding Loops Systematically
Lesson 5: The Saddling Project
Watch: Part 1: Emotional Behavior and Baselines
Watch: Part 2: What are the Triggers?
Watch: Part 3: Train Where You Can
Watch: Part 4: Find Your Starting Point
Watch: Part 5: Active Agency
Watch: Part 6: Extend the Behavior and Observe the Response
Watch: Part 7: Transference
Watch: Part 8: Transfer from Training To Working Conditions
Watch: Part 9: Before and After
Lesson 6: Applying These Concepts To YOUR Horse
Watch: Part 1: Your Horse - Your Training Goals
Watch: Part 2: Set Up Your Training Environment for Success
Watch: Part 3: Fade in and Fade Out Using Clean Loops
Watch: Part 4: Apply the Concepts
Lesson 7: Using the Awareness Explorations to Experience These Concepts
Watch: Part 1: Establishing Your Initial Baseline for the T’ai Chi Walk
Watch: Part 2: Turning Your Head
Watch: Part 3: Coordinating Hands and Wrists
Watch: Part 4: Hip Circles and Grinding Corn
Watch: Part 5: T’ai Chi Walk Non-Examples
Watch: Part 6: The Tai Chi Walk
Listen: Part 7: The Awareness Exploration Audio
Appendix: Metaphors Matter: What Are Your Metaphors?
Read: Metaphors Matter
Listen: Part 1: Fixed or Growth Mindsets
Listen: Part 2: The Talent Metaphor
Listen: Part 3: Playing with Space and Time
Read: Metaphors Matter Part 1: Fixed or Growth Mindsets
Read: Metaphors Matter: Part 2: The Talent Metaphor
Read: Metaphors Matter: Part 3: Playing with Time and Space
Before You Go
Moving on to Course #6 - Connecting the Dots
Courses 1- 5 are a prerequisite for enrolling in Course # 6.
Course #6: Connecting the Dots
Welcome. What you’ll be learning in this course
Lesson 1: Shaping on a Point of Contact
Watch: Part 1: The Dots We’re Connecting
Watch: Part 2: Constructional Reminders
Watch: Part 3: Shaping On A Point Of Contact - What Is It?
Watch: Part 4: Puzzles: Open a Door - Close A Door
Watch: Part 5: Observing the Details of a Give
Watch: Part 6: Connecting the Dots From Nose to Tail
Watch: Part 7: Introducing the Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement
Watch: Part 8: Quotes To Help You Understand The Feldenkrais Work
Watch: Part 9: Connecting the Dots Between the Feldenkrais Work and
Listen: Part 10: A Feldenkrais ATM Lesson from Anita Schnee
Lesson 2: Straightness is the Perfection of Left and Right
Watch: Part 1: Why Do We Want Horses to Bend?
Watch: Part 2: The Equine “Drill Team”
Watch: Part 3: Bending To Either Side of Twelve O’Clock
Watch: Part 4: Bending the Drill Team
Lesson 3: Standing in Awareness: Exploring What It Means To Bend
Watch: Part 1: Why Bend Horses?
Watch: Part 2: Stepping to the Side Using Reversibility
Watch: Part 3: Turning - Collapsing or Lifting Into a Turn
Watch: Part 4: Lengthening Into A Bend
Watch: Part 5: Enjoy the Bend
Listen: Part 6: Audio File for the Awareness Exploration
Lesson 4: The Hug That Is So Much More Than A Hug
Watch: Part 1: The Hug
Watch: Part 2: Teaching Body Part Targeting
Watch: Part 3: Inviting a Give at the Poll
Watch: Part 4: Connecting the Gives Through the Spine
Watch: Part 5: Building Chains to Ask Questions
Watch: Part 6: Keeping Behavior in Balance
Watch: Part 7: Introducing the Hug
Watch: Part 8: Teaching the Hug
Watch: Part 9: Teaching the Hug - A More Detailed View
Watch: Part 10: Tiny Gives Create Great Changes
Watch: Part 11: Using the Hug To Create Connection
Watch: Part 12: Using the Hug: The Transfer to Riding
Lesson 5: The Domino Chain
Watch: Part 1: Building the Chain
Watch: Part 2: Monitoring the Chain
Lesson 6: An Awareness Exploration: Experiencing the Domino Chain
Watch: Part 1: Creating Domino Chains: Lifting Your Heel
Watch: Part 2: Creating Domino Chains: Adding in your Jaw
Watch: Part 3: Creating Domino Chains: Lifting Your Arms
Watch: Part 4: Creating A Domino Chains: Hands to Hips
Watch: Part 5: Creating a Domino Chain: Taking a Balanced Step
Watch: Part 6: Using the Domino Chains to Experiment
Listen: Part 7: Audio File for the Domino Chain Awareness Exploration
Lesson 7: Going Sideways to Become Straight
Watch: Part 1: Shoulder-In and Haunches-In
Watch: Part 2: Walking Shoulder-In and Haunches-In
Watch: 3: Walking a “Ride”
Watch: Part 4: Walking a “Ride” Pt 2
Lesson 8: Awareness Exploration
Watch: Part 1: Going Deeper
Watch: Part 2: Going Even Deeper
Watch: Part 3: Wrists, Hips, Feet to Air Taffy
Watch: Part 4: The T’ai Chi Walk
Watch: Part 5: Dancing with your Horse
Listen: Part 6: The Audio File
Lesson 9: Feldenkrais Lesson
Lesson 10: Applying Lateral Flexions
Watch: Part 1: Blondies Early Steps ok
Watch: Part 2: Blondie: Connect The Early Dots
Watch: Part 3: Blondie: Lateral Gives to Riding Success
Watch: Part 4 Graya and Asfaloth
Lesson 11: Conclusion
Watch: Part 1: What Dots Are You Connecting?
Listen: Futsal for Horses - audio file
Read: Futsal for Horses - Text
Moving On To Course # 7 - The T’ai Chi Walk and Lateral Work
Read: What’s Next
Courses 1- 6 are a prerequisite for enrolling in Course # 7.
Course #7: The Tai Chi Walk and Lateral Work
Read: Learning Goals for this course
Lesson 1: Setting the stage: Transforming 2 By 4s and Wiggly Snakes into Beautiful Horses.
Watch: Introduction
Watch: Part 1: Connecting the Dots from Previous Clinics
Watch: Part 2: Choose Your Training Environment For Success
Watch: Part 3: Assessing Complex Behavior
Watch: Part 4: Straightness Defined
Watch: Part 5: Stiff, 2 By 4 Horses
Watch: Part 6: Wiggly Horses
Watch: Part 7: The Equine Drill Team
Watch: Part 8: The Four Person Horse
Watch: Part 9: Bending Horses - Clock Faces - What We Want
Watch: Part 10: Over-Flexed Horses
Lesson 2: An Awareness Exploration - Bend
Watch: Part 1: Bend Pt 1
Watch: Part 2: Bend Pt 2
Listen: Part 3: Audio File
Lesson 3: Defining a “Give”
Watch: Part 1: Details of a Give
Watch: Part 2: The Inside and Outside of a Give
Lesson 4: An Awareness Exploration - Lengthening
Watch: Part 1: Lengthening - Part 1
Watch: Part 2: Lengthening - Part 2
Listen: Part 3: Lengthening - Audio File
Lesson 5: The Tai Chi Walk - Walking Circles
Watch: Part 1: Circles and the T’ai Chi Walk
Watch: Part 2: The T’ai Chi Walk Demo
Watch: Part 3: The Walk is The Mother of All Gaits
Lesson 6: An Awareness Exploration: Walking Circles, Baselines, and the T’ai Chi Walk
Watch: Part 1: Head and Neck
Watch: Part 2: Shoulder Rotations
Watch: Part 3: Hip Circles Via the Points on a Clock
Watch: Part 4: The Tai Chi Walk - Adding Circles
Watch: Part 5: Circles and Reversibility
Listen: Part 6: The Audio File
Lesson 7: To Do: Exploring Straightness with your Horse
To-Do: Straightness with YOUR Horse
Lesson 8: Connecting the Dots to Lateral Work and Riding
Watch: Part 1: Straightness is the Perfection of Left and Right
Watch: Part 2: Function of the Inside Rein
Watch: Part 3: Outside Rein and Leg Speed
Watch: Part 4: Changing the Natural Order
Watch: Part 5: Soundness and the Domino Chain
Watch: Part 6: Monitoring the Domino Chain
Watch: Part 7: Many Options
Lesson 9: An Awareness Exploration: Domino Chains
Watch: Part 1: Domino Chains
Watch: Part 2: Domino Chains of the Head and Neck
Watch: Part 3: Domino Chains Of the Wrists and Shoulders
Watch: Part 4: Audio File
Lesson 10: Teaching Lateral Flexions: Bending the Coat Hanger and Three-Flip-Three
Watch: Part 1: The First Loop
Watch: Part 2: The 2nd and 3rd Loop
Watch: Part 3: The 4th Loop. Shared
Lesson 11: An Awareness Exploration: 3 - Flip - 3
Watch: Part 1: Ready for 3-Flip-3
Watch: Part 2: 3-Flip-3
Watch: Part 3: The Flip of the Hip
Watch: Part 4: Audio File
To Do: Part 5: Practice with your Horse
Lesson 12: Resets and Reversibility
Watch: Part 1: Resets
Watch: Part 2: The Dance Steps of Resets
Watch: Part 3: Forward and Backward Chains
Watch: Part 4: Reversibility
Lesson 13: Stringing Pearls, Straightness Matters
Watch: Part 1: Lifting From the Base of the Neck
Watch: Part 2: Shoulder-In
Watch: Part 3: Haunches-In
Watch: Part 4: Components for Popping Out Lateral Flexions
Watch: Part 5: Patterned Exercises
Lesson 14: The Components Needed for Lateral Work To Pop Out - The Duct Tape Lesson
Watch: Part 1: The Duct Tape Markers
Watch: Part 2: Moving Hips and Shoulders
Watch: Part 3: Developing Excellence
Lesson 15: Popping Out Lateral Work - The “Pre-Why Would You Leave Me?”And “Why Would You Leave Me?” Lessons
Watch: Part 1: What Comes Before
Watch: Part 2: Pacing Out A Circle
Watch: Part 3: Setting up the “Why Would You Leave Me?” Circle
Watch: Part 4: The “Pre-Why Would You Leave Me?” Lesson
Watch: Part 5: Transitioning To The “Why Would You Leave Me?” Lesson
Watch: Part 6: Invisible Targets
Lesson 16: Popping Out Lateral Flexions Using the “Why Would You Leave Me?” Lesson
Watch: Part 1: Creating a Lateral Bend
Watch: Part 2: Three-Flip-Three and The Turn Around A cone
Watch: Part 3: Two Examples of Lateral Flexions
Watch: Part 4: Blondie on the “Why Would You Leave Me?” Circle
Lesson 17: An Awareness Exploration: Using the T’ai Chi Walk to Explore Circles, Turns, Changes of Direction and Lateral Work
Watch: Part 1: Warming Up with the Components of 3-Flip-3
Watch: Part 2: Lubricating the Joints with Up and Over
Watch: Part 3: Generating Shoulder-In and Haunches-In Out of Circles
Watch: Part 4: The Give of the Hip is a Forward Moving Exercise
Listen: 5: Audio File
Lesson 18: Hip Shoulder-Shoulder
Watch: Part 1: 3-Flip-3 and Hip-Shoulder-Shoulder - Same Base Different
Watch: Part 2: Moving the Hips
Watch: Part 3: 3-Flip-3 and Hip-Shoulder-Shoulder Compared
Watch: Part 4: Hip-Shoulder-Shoulder and Collection
Lesson 19: An Awareness Exploration: Hip-Shoulder-Shoulder and Three-Flip-Three
Watch: Part 1: Reviewing the Components of Lateral Flexions
Watch: Part 2: Transforming Circles into Shoulder-In and Haunches-In
Watch: Part 3: Evolving Collection
Watch: Part 4: The Give of the Hip Is a Forward Moving Exercise and the
Hip is a Delicate Joint
Lesson 20: Moving on to Course #8: Riding From The Ground Up
Read: We’re Ready to Ride!
Courses 1- 7 are a prerequisite for enrolling in Course # 8.
Course #8: Riding From the Ground Up
Watch: Introduction: What This Course Covers
Lesson 1: Following a Thread
Watch: Part 1: We’re Riding!
Watch: Part 2: Following threads Through Component Lessons
Watch: Part 3: Ground Patterns You’ll be Riding
Watch: Part 4: Filling in Training Holes
Watch: Part 5: The Duct Tape Lesson and Lateral Flexions
Watch: Part 6: Good, Better, Best, Bestest
Watch: Part 7: Why Would You Leave Me?
Watch: Part 8: Ready to Ride!
Lesson 2: Before You Can Ride: Hip-Shoulder-Shoulder Around A Pair of Cones
Watch: Part 1: Mounting Blocks
Watch: Part 2: The Figure-Eight Pattern
Watch: Part 3: Step-By-Step Around a Cone
Watch: Part 4: Details Matter
Watch: Part 5: Fancy’s Lesson - Part 1
Watch: Part 6: Fancy’s Lesson - Part 2
Watch: Part 7: Fancy’s Lesson - Pt 3
Lesson 3: An Awareness Exploration: Hip-Shoulder-Shoulder Around A Pair of Cones
Watch: Part 1: The Domino Chain of the Knee and the Foot
Watch: Part 2: Connecting the Turn of the Head to Single-rein Riding
Watch: Part 3: The Domino Chain of the Wrists
Watch: Part 4: Hip Circles and Clover Leafs
Watch: Part 5: Hip-Shoulder-Shoulder Around A Cone
Watch: Part 6: Creating Engagement
Watch: Part 7: Changing Your Horse’s Balance By Turning Around a Cone
Lesson 4: Capture the Saddle: The Mounting Block Lesson
Watch: Part 1: Step By Step Through the Lesson
Watch: Part 2: When Do You Click?
Watch: Part 3: Ready to Ride!
Watch: Part 4: Demo of the “Capture the Saddle” Lesson
Watch: Part 5: Merlin is Prepped for Riding
Watch: Part 6: Just For Fun!
Lesson 5: Single-Rein Riding
Watch: Part 1: The Riding Continuum - Let’s Start at the Beginning not the
Watch: Part 2: Single-Rein Riding Described
Watch: Part 3: The Four Functions of the Reins
Watch: Part 4: Activating the Outside Rein
Watch: Part 5: Reversing the Natural Order to Create Beautiful Balance
Lesson 6: Single-Rein Riding: Basic Lessons to Get Started
Watch: Part 1: As You Get On . . .
Watch: Part 2: Starting Lessons
Watch: Part 3: Honey’s Lesson - Riding to Mats
Watch: Part 4: Riding Around Cones
Watch: Part 5: Outcome Or Process
Watch: Part 6: What’s With All The Stopping?
Watch: Part 7: Merlin’s Wiggly Baseline
Watch: Part 8: Details of Single-rein Riding
Watch: Part 9: Rein Handling Details
Watch: Part 10: Progress!
Watch: Part 11: No More Ricochet!
Lesson 7: Helen House Horse and Riding on a Triangle
Watch: Part 1: What’s in a Name?
Watch: Part 2: The Connection Between Ground Work and Riding
Watch: Part 3: Outside Hand and Bone Rotations
Watch: Part 4: Adding the Inside Rein
Watch: Part 5: Good, Better, Best, Bestest Pick Up of the Rein
Watch: Part 6: The Connection to your Core
Watch: Part 7: Adding in the Outside Rein
Watch: Part 8: A Helen House Horse Lesson Pt 1
Watch: Part 9: A Helen House Horse Lesson Pt 2
Lesson 8: Awareness Exploration: Helen House Horse and Riding on a Triangle
Watch: Part 1: The Standing Explorations and Riding
Watch: Part 2: Floating the Wrists - Releasing the Elbow
Watch: Part 3: Using Reversibility
Listen: Part 4: Audio file for the Awareness Exploration
Lesson 9: Awareness Exploration: Picking Up The Reins
Watch: Part 1 Rein Handling Practice
Watch: Part 2: Changing the Triangle
Watch: Part 3: Stabilizing the Hand
Lesson 10: Riding for Geography or Reaction Pattern
Watch: Part 1: Taking Away the Scaffolding
Watch: Part 2: Going Off Course
Watch: Part 3: Riding for Reaction Pattern
Watch: Part 4: The Brilliance of Riding on a Triangle
Lesson 11: Riding a Film Strip: The Good, Better, Bestest Connection to your Horse’s Hips
Watch: Part 1: Frame By Frame in the “Filmstrip”
Watch: Part 2: Riding on a Release
Watch: Part 3: Riding The Good, Better, Best, Bestest “Filmstrip”
Watch: Part 4: Creating “Forward Moving” Backing
Lesson 12: Stopping and Going
Watch: Part 1: An Early Lesson Teaching An Anxious Horse to Stop
Watch: Part 2: Stopping By Turning
Watch: Part 3: Getting to a Stop
Watch: Part 4: Learning to Think Halt and It Happens
Watch: Part 5: Riding the Whoa Stop Lesson
Watch: Part 6: Click for Relaxation
Watch: Part 7: Looking for a Halt
Watch: Part 8: People Demo: Finding the Hip
Watch: Part 9: People Demo: The Good, Better, Best, Bestest Pick Up of the
Watch: Part 10: Tacking Back and Forth To Find the Halt
Watch: Part 11 Balancing Whoa and Go
Watch: Part 12: Finding Go in a Slow Horse
Watch: Part 13: Head Elevation Comes from Behind
Watch: Part 14: Energy!
Watch: Part 15: Helping a Stuck Horse to Move
Watch: Part 16: Be Patient!
Lesson 13 An Awareness Exploration: The Good Better Bestest Connection to your Horse’s Hips
Watch: Part 1: Hip-Shoulder-Shoulder: Connecting To The Hip
Lesson 14: The Hotwalker Lesson
Watch: Part 1: The Hotwalker Metaphor
Watch: Part 2: Using The Hotwalker Rein Effects
Watch: Part 3: The Hotwalker Lesson In Action
Lesson 15: Connecting “How” to “Where”: Riding a Circle
Watch: Part 1: The Components that Build Circles
Lesson 16: An Awareness Exploration: Connecting “How” to “Where”: Riding a Circle
Watch: Part 1: Using 3-Flip-3 To Ride Around Single Cones
Watch: Part 2: Single Cones Into Circles Into Reverse Arc Circles
Lesson 17: Connecting “How” to “Where”: Riding the Training Turns
Watch: Part 1: Half Turns and Half Turns in Reverse
Watch: Part 2: Diagonals
Lesson 18: An Awareness Exploration: Connecting “How” to “Where”: Riding the Training Turns
Watch: Part 1: Setting up the Environment
Watch: Part 2: Half Turns
Watch: Part 3: Half Turns in Reverse
Watch: Part 4 Diagonals
Lesson 19: Developing Collection: The Wall Exercise
Watch: Part 1: Walking the “Dinner Plate” to the Arena Wall
Watch: Part 2: Bringing Your Horse To The Wall
Watch: Part 3: The Upward Mobilization of the Stifle
Watch: Part 4: Expanding the Wall Exercise Into Lateral Work
Watch: Part 5: “Human Horse” Demo of the Wall Exercise - Pt 1
Watch: Part 6: “Human Horse” Demo - Pt 2 Liberty Inside Turns
Watch: Part 7: “Human Horse” Demo - Pt 3 The Pivot Point of the Turn
Watch: Part 8: "Human Horse" Demo Pt 4: Moving the Center of the Circle
Watch: Part 9: "Human Horse" Demo Pt 5: The Finesse of the Lead
Watch: Part 10: "Human Horse" Demo Pt 6: Connecting Body Language
Read: Part 11a: Introducing Tonnerre
Watch: Part 11b: The Wall Exercise with Tonnerre
Watch: Part 12: The Wall Exercise with Tonnerre - Pt 2
Lesson 20: An Awareness Exploration: Developing Collection: The Wall Exercise
Watch: Part 1: Hip-Shoulder-Shoulder - A Component of Many Lessons
Watch: Part 2: The Training Turns, Circles and the T’ai Chi Walk
Watch: Part 3: The Wall Exercise - Transforming the Barrier of the Wall
Watch: Part 4: The Wall Exercise - Hip-Shoulder-Shoulder Creates
Watch: Part 5: Opening the Door To Advanced Performance
Lesson 21: Activating the Outside Rein
Watch: Part 1: Connecting the Dots
Watch: Part 2: Organizing the Outside Rein
Watch: Part 3: Floating on a Point of Contact
Lesson 22 Awareness Exploration: Activating the Outside Rein
Watch: Part 1: Recognizing When To Activate the Outside Rein
Lesson 23: Conclusion
Read: Moving On.